
Marky's voice

Mark didn’t start paying real attention to his voice until later on. In the beginning, it was as if his voice always just did what it wanted, without him having to worry about it. It felt like magic – singing always came naturally. He’s never really had to go through a vocal break, something he considers quite lucky. And I think that was probably also the reason that he never really felt uncomfortable while singing. But after a while, he began to realize that he might need to take better care of his voice if he wanted to do this for a long time.

Even now, Mark does everything in his own, unique way. His vocal warm-up consists of... gargling! Yes, you read that right – gargling! It may sound a little strange, but for him, it's an essential part of his routine. And it works! 

I always say: it’s important to do what feels right for you as a singer. Always listen to your body, because everyone has their own way of taking care of their voice. Mark is the perfect example of this. He follows his own path, and that’s what makes his approach to vocal care so perfect. And apparently, it works for him – he just keeps on singing! 

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