

Are you a beginner at singing or someone who’s never explored vocal techniques? Then this is the roadmap I recommend for you:


1. As a beginner, I would start with 'The Basics' and make sure to read and watch everything in it carefully.

2. Before you start singing, it's essential to train your musical ear. Because if you can't truly hear what's happening in the music, you won't be able to connect with it.

3. You need to be in control of your voice and make intentional vocal choices. Tune into your body—your instrument—and truly feel what’s happening as you sing

4. This is the perfect vocal exercise to fully warm up your voice while engaging everything at once. It brings your sound forward, activates every muscle in your face, and encourages deep, controlled breathing.

5.With the lip or tongue roll, you can reach higher notes more easily by reducing tension and allowing for a smoother vocal transition.

6. Everyone experiences a voice change at some point when maturing. It's not just about voice change—it’s also the moment when your voice naturally shifts into falsetto.

7. Your vocal range is the span of notes you can sing, from your lowest to your highest. Expanding it requires technique, control, and consistent practice.

8.This is a great warm-up exercise that instantly gives you the feeling of simply enjoying singing.

9.  Now it's time to choose the perfect song for your voice.

Have you completed everything in the 'Beginners' section?

Great! Now it’s time to move on to the roadmap for advanced singers