2 Points

A-E-I-O-U solo

With this video, you earn 2 points every time you watch it completely and participate. 🎉

Now that you know how the exercise works, you can practice on your own!

The Exercise:
We sing a-e-i-o-u. The goal is to stay in your natural voice for as long as possible. When you notice you’ve transitioned into falsetto (head voice), stop and reset.

✔Exaggerate the vowel sounds clearly and distinctly.
✔Keep the feeling of speaking rather than “singing.”
✔Try singing with more surprise as you go higher—this can help maintain a relaxed, natural sound.
✔Think of calling, not shouting—use controlled energy rather than force.

Listen carefully:
The video shows you which notes you’re singing, so listen to your voice closely to identify when you shift into falsetto.

For some, this shift is very obvious, with a sudden change in tone or resonance.
For others, the difference is more subtle, but you’ll always be able to hear it if you pay attention.

Track your progress:
Write down in your notebook at what note you transitioned to falsetto today. Make notes about what you tried to delay that transition, and how it felt. This will help you learn to control your voice and gradually extend your range in your natural voice! 

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