

In this exercise, it’s crucial to place each vowel sound correctly. An A should sound like a clear, open A—not a lazy “uh”or any other variation. Pay attention to how your mouth and tongue move to produce the pure vowel sounds.

Why it’s important:
The goal of this exercise is to stay in your natural voice (your speaking voice) for as long as possible. As you practice, you’ll discover what adjustments help you maintain control and avoid transitioning into falsetto too early.

Things to focus on:
Precise articulation: Make sure each vowel (A-E-I-O-U) is distinct and properly formed.
Mouth and tongue awareness: Notice how small changes affect your sound.
Stay in your speaking voice: Avoid forcing the notes. Let the voice flow naturally while exploring what helps you extend the range in this register.

This exercise is a great warm-up that also sneaks in valuable vocal technique practice!