
What is belt

What is belting? I describe it as making a statement, a declaration—singing loudly in your chest voice. Personally, I think you should be sparing with belting. Overusing it can quickly come across as a monotone, loud, and almost clumsy way of singing.

Belting becomes much easier when you think of it as “clumsy” or bold. I’m a big fan of anchoring vocal techniques to specific feelings or “modes”, almost like vocal acting, because that can help you achieve the sound you’re aiming for.

So, instead of that whining or dramatic tone you use when consciously tilting your voice for emotional effect, belting leans into that bold, “clumsy” sensation. You don’t have to only belt high—belting can work great in lower registers too.

Channel your "inner hooligan" instead of the "whining inner child", and make sure you’re fully engaging your body to support the sound. A little bit of twang added at the right moment can give it extra punch without overdoing it.

To be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with belting. It can be powerful and make a strong statement in a song, but only if you do it responsibly and without pain.

Check out my video on Chandelier to hear the belt clearly at the start of the chorus and try it for yourself!

Belting should never hurt! If it does, you’re not using proper technique, and it’s important to adjust.

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