

Chandelier is such an incredibly interesting and brilliant pop song, but it’s also a real challenge to sing in a way that’s vocally healthy and sustainable. As I often say, technique should never be the end goal, but it’s an essential tool to help you reach that goal.

The melody in the chorus of Chandelier takes all kinds of twists and turns, making it the perfect piece to experiment with different techniques and find what helps you hit the notes more comfortably.

I doubt that Sia consciously planned it out like, “Now I’ll belt, then tilt, and now switch to falsetto,” but it’s definitely an interesting approach for gaining more control over your technique! With Chandelier, we can apply everything we’ve learned: belting, tilting, and falsetto.

Are you ready to join me? 🎶

Just make sure you’ve already watched and practiced my videos on these three techniques individually before diving into Chandelier. Trust me, that’ll set you up for success! 💪✨

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