2 Points

No Yeah solo

With this video, you earn 2 points every time you watch it completely and participate.

Now that you know the exercise, you can practice on your own!

The exercise:
We sing: “No no no no, yeah yeah yeah yeah, no no no no, yeah yeah yeah yeah.”

Important tips:
✔Singing is fun, so enjoy it, lovely people! 😊
✔Move along freely as you sing.
✔Over-articulate the words to train clarity.
✔Alternate your lip positions: round for "no" and wide for "yeah."
✔Let your belly relax with each breath; release tension in your abdominal muscles.
✔Sing with ease—don’t shout. Stay within your speaking voice (no pushing!).
✔Always remember the purpose of the exercise. It’s not about what notes you hit, but how you hit them.
✔If you notice that you can’t stay in your speaking voice and slip into falsetto, simply stop and reset.

Bonus tracking tip:
On the piano in the video, you’ll see the notes you’re singing. Write down in your notebook how each note feels or note how far you could go today. This will help track your progress over time!

Extra Exercises:
Using Mjom and A-E-I-O-U, you’ll also train your mouth and tongue positions for better control and articulation. 🎶

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