Lip roll up solo
With this video, you earn 2 points every time you watch it completely and participate. 🎉
Now that you know how to do "The Ascending Lip Trill", you can practice on your own!
Key Tips:
✔Keep your shoulders low and relaxed
✔Relax your belly between each step, and focus on deep, low breathing during those moments.
✔Stay as relaxed as possible—no tension in your face or neck.
✔Exaggerate your lip movements for better articulation and control. Try different mouth positions when doing the tongue trill to see what works best for you.
✔Place your fingertips on the corners of your mouth if you’re struggling to maintain the lip trill.
✔Experiment with engaging or relaxing your abdominal muscles/diaphragm to feel how it affects your voice.
The goal of the exercise is how you hit the notes, not which notes you hit. If you feel yourself tensing up or “squeezing”; stop and reset.
Track your progress:
Check the piano in the video to see which notes you’re hitting. Write down in your notebook how you feel on certain notes and which note you could reach today. This will help you see your progress over time. 🎶
Extra warm-up:
Try the jazz scale for improving tongue placement and control, or dive deeper into exercises that help expand your vocal range. 🌟