Everyone has a voice
Everyone has a voice! Stop whining, start singing!
"If you can talk, you can sing!"—one of my favorite singing mottos that I’m excited to share with you.
You don’t need to be a superstar talent to share your voice musically. Practice makes perfect, and you’ll be amazed at how much potential your voice has when you take the leap and keep practicing.
Think about singers like Leonard Cohen or Lou Reed. They may not have been the most technically brilliant vocalists, but they captivate us with their ability to tell a story and convey emotion through their voices.
So, do you need to do "a lot" with your voice to make an impact?
Not necessarily. There’s a big difference between being a vocal acrobat and someone who:
✔Uses their voice musically and creatively.
✔Tells a story through song.
✔Moves the audience by conveying raw emotion and authenticity.
A huge vocal range or incredible power isn’t always the most important thing. What truly matters is how you connect with your music and your audience.
So, no excuses—just sing! Your voice has its own unique beauty waiting to be heard. 🎶